Kratom and Diabetes, Everything You Should Know

Kratom and Diabetes: Everything You Should Know

Kratom is an ethnobotanical plant that has been used as traditional medicine for centuries in Southeast Asia. Recently, it has become popular in the United States as a natural herbal medicine for day-to-day ailments. Kratom has also become a potential alternative medicine for managing certain conditions, including diabetes. Furthermore, kratom has been shown to have…

Diabetes and Mental Health: The Connection You Need to Know

Diabetes and Mental Health: The Connection You Need to Know

If you are one of the 37.3 million Americans living with diabetes, you know that it is a condition that requires constant attention and care. But what many people don’t realize is that diabetes can also affect your mental health. In fact, research has shown that there is a strong connection between diabetes and mental health…

Essential Things You Must Know While Treating Diabetes

Essential Things You Must Know While Treating Diabetes

Diabetes, also known as diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic disease that results in high blood sugar levels. The hormone insulin plays a significant role in moving sugar from the blood into cells to be used for energy. The body of a diabetic person either doesn’t make enough insulin or is unable to utilize the insulin…

Diabetes and Ayurveda - All Your Questions Answered

Diabetes and Ayurveda – All Your Questions Answered

Is ayurvedic medicine effective for diabetes? Can ayurvedic medicine cure diabetes? Are allopathic treatments necessary along with ayurvedic treatment for diabetes? These are some of the most common questions that come up when diabetics try to use alternative medicines. What is becoming increasingly clear is that while different therapies can be used in conjunction with one another, combining them…


Magnesium for Overall Health Benefits in Diabetes

Magnesium bicarbonate is made when you mix magnesium hydroxide power with chilled carbonated water. The magnesium binds to the bicarbonate ion assisting the its entry into the cell, producing the most beneficial and absorbable form of magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is facilitates the function of over 3,000 enzymes and proteins in the body. Most people…

Vitamins D3 and B12: Why You Need Them and Their Benefits

Vitamins D3 and B12: Why You Need Them and Their Benefits

A healthy diet is a way to achieve a healthy body and a happy mind. And the moment we say a healthy diet, the elements that come to our mind are an array of vibrant fresh fruits, vegetables, greens, lean meats, dairy, whole grains. These elements can introduce nutrients like protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals….