Finally received Minimed 670G System

It has been a long time since I mentioned Medtronic, but I finally received Minimed 670G system 🙂 There were many obsticles preventing me from getting the 670G pump like insurance, warranties and high Pathway program prices. Since my insurance wouldn’t approve an in-warranty upgrade I had to go with the recent lowered Pathway program price via Minimed.

I should be visiting with my pump specialist this coming week to learn about it and start using the 670G system. After using the system for a few weeks I’ll be posting a 670G system review here, so stay tuned. #670g

I’m a type 1 diabetic with diabetes knowledge in t1d and t2d, as well as nutrition and low-carb keto diet information, fitness and exercise programs to help keep you in optimal diabetes health. Take advantage of our diabetic health tools for a healthier lifestyle!