Diabetic Foot Risk Classification and Shoe Suggestions

Diabetic Foot Risk Classification and Shoe Suggestions

Foot ulcers are a common complication of diabetes. These ulcers can lead to infections and even death. If you have diabetes and don’t take good care of your feet, you’re at risk for foot ulcers. To prevent these complications from happening, it’s important that you know where you stand on the diabetic foot risk scale….

How Can Nurses Help Diabetes Patients? 5 Things to Know

How Can Nurses Help Diabetes Patients? 5 Things to Know

The biological process of turning food into energy is simple. You consume a meal, your body naturally produces the hormone insulin, and the sugars obtained from your food get turned into energy that your body uses right away or stores for later. Most of us have this mechanism of digesting our meals, but what happens…

Clothing Can Boost Wellbeing for People with Diabetes

Clothing Can Boost Wellbeing for People with Diabetes

The lifetime risk of people with diabetes to develop a foot ulcer is 34% and over half of these ulcers become infected. In the case of diabetic foot, a person’s choice of socks is vital. For instance, socks made with a synthetic yarn called Celliant, can actually promote quicker wound healing. Furthermore, it can help the body…

Diabetes Around the World on the Rise

Diabetes Around the World on the Rise?

Worldwide rates of diabetes among the 65-plus population are on the rise, and have increased dramatically in the past 40 years. The US, China, and India have the highest rates of diabetes around the world. Diabetes puts seniors at a much higher risk for chronic wounds — including life-threatening diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetic foot ulcers…

Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers with Non-surgical Methods

4 Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Ulcers are a serious complication stemming from diabetes but there are non-surgical ways to treat diabetic foot ulcers. 15% of diabetics will develop a diabetic foot ulcer at some point in their lives. In fact, many patients with infected diabetic foot ulcers need to have at least a partial amputation. And that’s just one side…