Connecting the Dots - Tepezza, Blood Sugar, and Other Health Concerns
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Connecting the Dots – Tepezza, Blood Sugar, and Other Health Concerns

Tepezza is a drug used to treat thyroid eye disease, which causes inflammation and swelling of the eyes. While the FDA has granted approval for the drug, it has been associated with a range of severe side effects, notably blood sugar irregularities. Tepezza can cause elevated blood sugar levels (diabetes), or hyperglycemia. Furthermore, leading to…

Relationship of Glucose to Blood Sugar

Relationship of Glucose to Blood Sugar

What is Glucose? Glucose is one of the body’s main energy sources. It is a natural type of sugar obtained from carbohydrate foods such as flour foods and fruits. The body, including brain and nervous system cells, needs glucose for energy production. If glucose values are balanced, the body continues its normal functioning. However, if the amount of glucose in…