What to Know Before Buying Insulin from Canada-Canadian Insulin

What to Know Before Buying Insulin from Canada

Did you know that insulin was discovered one hundred years ago? In 1921, Canadian scientist Frederick Banting identified the medical potential of insulin in diabetes treatment. Since that time, the lives of people who have high blood sugar levels have drastically changed. Namely, their life expectancy has increased, as well as their standard of living….

FDA Approves Rapid-acting insulin lispro-aabc Injection for Pump Therapy

FDA Approves Rapid-acting insulin lispro-aabc Injection for Pump Therapy

Previously Published on Healio.com  – The FDA approved an expanded label for rapid-acting insulin lispro-aabc injection to include administration via continuous subcutaneous infusion with an insulin pump, according to an industry press release. As Healio previously reported, insulin lispro-aabc injection (Lyumjev, Eli Lilly), a novel formulation of insulin lispro developed to speed the absorption of…