bihormonal ilet home trial by Beta Bionics

Bihormonal iLet Home Trial Bionic Pancreas for T1D

Beta Bionics announced a pivotal bihormonal iLet home trial using both dasiglucagon and insulin in the aforementioned bionic pancreas. The iLet (dual-hormone pump system) designed to autonomously deliver insulin and dasiglucagon. The bionic pancreas offers people with type 1 diabetes, safer and easier blood sugar control. Therefore, better long-term management and outcomes are possible as well. What is…

Type 2 Diabetes Treatments

Type 2 Diabetes Treatments, Management, Cure?

Type 2 diabetes or t2d, is a medical condition due to metabolic disorder in which the body does’t use insulin properly. Insulin resistance occurs and type 2 diabetes progresses. We’ll go through type 2 diabetes treatments and management to keep you informed. Type 2 Diabetes Overview When glucose cannot be distributed correctly through the body,…

Diabetes Symptoms

Diabetes Symptoms in Type 1 and Type 2

Diabetes Symptoms – Diabetes, also regarded as diabetes mellitus, may generally be classified as a class of ailments wherein an individual has high blood glucose levels. This could be either because insulin production in one’s body is not sufficient, or the body fails to respond to the insulin necessarily. In this article, we’ll go over type…

Should AAPL Invest in Diabetes Treatment

Should AAPL Invest in Diabetes Treatment?

Jim Cramer of and Real Money author says Apple (AAPL) should invest in diabetes treatment. There’s two companies out there blowing past other device makers, Dexcom and Tandem Diabetes. Dexcom offers the G-6 continuous glucose monitor (CGM) while Tandem offers the t:slim X2 Insulin Pump for diabetes sufferers. The G-6 cgm doesn’t require finger sticks for…