What Are The Worst Foods and Drinks That Cause High Blood Sugar

What Are The Worst Foods and Drinks That Cause High Blood Sugar

Diabetes is quickly becoming `an epidemic disease worldwide. It has serious consequences such as heart disease, blindness, kidney disease, and others. However, knowing the foods to avoid if you want to protect yourself from high blood sugar levels may seem difficult but you can follow some easy guidelines to control your blood sugar level. Avoiding…

Best Exercises if You Are Suffering from Diabetes

Best Exercises if You Are Suffering from Diabetes

Exercising offers helpful benefits for people suffering with diabetes. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends weekly aerobic exercises, while the American Diabetes Association states that two or more consecutive days of aerobic exercise should not be missed. Exercise can help people with diabetes to manage their blood sugar levels and promote their health. It can…

Why it is important to know about diabetes management

Why is it important to know about diabetes management?

Diabetes is getting common, but fewer patients are interested in knowing different ways to manage it. Having a serious medical condition, diabetes comes with various other unpleasant symptoms like facing extreme hunger, tiredness, and heart-related issues. Diabetes is a life-long disease and we have to learn how to live with it, meaning diet, exercise and…