HIIT Workout At-Home for Diabetics

People with diabetes need to exercise as well as eat healthy but if you want to step it up a notch, try a HIIT workout at-home!

What Is A HIIT Workout?

When you hear people talking about HIIT workouts, it means High Intensity Interval Training. A HIIT workout consists of alternating bursts of any exercise, coupled with short recovery times until exhaustion. Click To Tweet

3 Exercise HIIT Workout

In our case, Tracy performs 3 different exercises in the HIIT workout video below.

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • plank walkout

She starts the fitness circuit with squats, then quickly transitions to lunges while finishing with the plank walkout-mountain climber exercise.

Hopefully this post gives you the motivation you need to exercise while trying a HIIT workout at-home!

Certified professional fitness trainer with knowledge in specific exercise programs, diet and nutrition.

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