6 Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally

Blood sugar is something most people don’t think about until they develop diabetes or are diagnosed with pre-diabetes. These conditions can lead to severe complications like heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and stroke. Therefore, it’s essential to learn how to lower blood sugar levels naturally. There’s six ways you can do this through diet and lifestyle changes, having no adverse effects on your health. However, it will significantly positively affect your well-being and longevity. Keep reading to learn more about the six ways to lower blood sugar naturally!

  1. Drink Green Tea

Drinking Green tea can help lower blood sugar. Green tea, in particular, is high in catechins, which improve insulin sensitivity and blood flow. You should drink between three and five cups of green tea a day. Add lemon to your cup; studies show that it improves green toaster’s ability to lower blood sugar levels. It’s also crucial that you remove any spices or other ingredients from your green tea before drinking it, as they can decrease its effectiveness at lowering your blood sugar levels.

  1. Eat Fish

Fish is loaded with protein and omega-3 fatty acids, and these nutrients help stabilize blood sugar levels, allowing your body to regulate insulin production better. Start your day with a serving of wild salmon or cod and watch your energy level stay high for hours. A study in Diabetes Care also found that women who eat fish twice per week are 50 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who don’t consume any fish at all.

  1. Eat Blueberries

Blueberries are not only delicious, but they’re also loaded with health benefits, and they help lower blood sugar and may even aid in diabetes prevention. Blueberries can also be found in many different foods such as yogurt, cereal, and jams; you don’t have to eat them plain or in fruit salads. Another benefit of blueberries is that they can be quickly frozen and then used at a later date when you need an extra burst of sweetness or need a snack while out on a hike!

  1. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to lower blood sugar levels, according to a study published in Diabetes Care. The researchers found that people who worked out for 150 minutes per week reduced their A1C levels by 1.2 percent and their body weight by three pounds over 12 weeks. But don’t go overboard with your workouts. Strenuous exercise such as running or cross-training can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity. This can lead to higher glucose readings after eating, which will negate your efforts. Instead, focus on shorter duration but more intense workouts like high-intensity interval training (HIIT), where you’ll burn more calories than during low-intensity cardio while also building lean muscle mass. You can also use the weight loss belt if your weight is very high.

  1. Reduce Stress

Stress, in general, is associated with high blood sugar levels. That’s because stress releases cortisol and other hormones that raise blood sugar levels, and it can cause insulin resistance, which interferes with your body’s ability to metabolize glucose properly. There are numerous ways to manage your Stress, from exercise and deep breathing exercises to spending time outdoors in nature or meditating. As part of a healthy diet, try avoiding sugary foods or those processed by manufacturers known for churning out unhealthy food products—which often contain added sugars. Instead, stick with whole foods directly from nature like meat, seafood, eggs, and veggies. These will help reduce sugar cravings, keep blood sugar stable

  1. Get Enough Sleep

In addition to helping with weight loss, getting enough sleep can also help you keep blood sugar levels under control. Poor or inadequate sleep is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Not only does insufficient sleep cause daytime fatigue and increase stress hormones like cortisol (which can lead to insulin resistance). Studies have also found that it negatively impacts blood sugar metabolism over time. Getting enough quality shut-eye may also help regulate other hormones related to insulin sensitivity, such as growth hormone and adiponectin. So yes, if you’re struggling with obesity or diabetes, getting enough sleep could make all of the difference.