Diabetes FAQs - 28 Most Frequently Asked Questions, Answered.

Diabetes FAQs – 28 Most Frequently Asked Questions, Answered.

Do you have diabetes? You’re not alone! Diabetes FAQs – 28 Most Frequently Asked Questions, Answered. Diabetes is a global epidemic, and it affects millions of people around the world. It can be scary to learn that you have diabetes, but don’t worry – we’ve got your back! We know what it feels like to get…

Tips to Reduce Diabetic Neuropathy and Improve Sleep

Tips to Reduce Diabetic Neuropathy and Improve Sleep

Diabetic neuropathy can impact various aspects of a patient’s life. Apart from the numbness and tingling that are common symptoms of neuropathy, the associated loss of reflexes and persistent pain and cramping can make it very difficult to get through the day. In some instances, pain and discomfort brought on by diabetic neuropathy are severe enough…