7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Active with Diabetes - Diabetesknow.com

7 Ways to Stay Healthy and Active with Diabetes

Patients with diabetes must follow a healthy and active lifestyle plan to achieve good results. The control of blood sugar depends on staying active along with making sensible diet choices. A person can control their blood sugar levels through regular exercise combined with hydration and a healthy diet. The substitution of small lifestyle modifications will…

Tips to Reduce Diabetic Neuropathy and Improve Sleep

Tips to Reduce Diabetic Neuropathy and Improve Sleep

Diabetic neuropathy can impact various aspects of a patient’s life. Apart from the numbness and tingling that are common symptoms of neuropathy, the associated loss of reflexes and persistent pain and cramping can make it very difficult to get through the day. In some instances, pain and discomfort brought on by diabetic neuropathy are severe enough…

Link Between Sleep Apnoea and Diabetes

The Surprising Link Between Sleep Apnoea and Diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30 million Americans are currently living with diabetes. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the US—occupying the 7th position. Diabetes is of different types. One category of the condition is an auto-immune response of the body to pancreatic cells. These cells are responsible…