Alternate Choices to Metformin: Top Recommendations and Safety
If you are finding yourself in the search for a more natural alternative than the pharmaceutical drug metformin, rest assured that you’re not alone in this quest. Traditional herbal treatments have played a crucial role since the middle ages as a substitute for conventional medicines. Consequently, the demand for more natural substitutes to metformin never…

Recognizing Diabetes: Understanding Symptoms, Varieties and Knowledge
Grasping the knowledge of diabetes, its signs of occurrence, its diagnosis, and how to manage the disease is pivotal in ruling over this condition. This article delves into information about diabetes, including its categories, symptoms to be cautious of, heralding risk factors, defense measures to be taken, diagnostics approaches, and effective disease control strategies. By…

CBD Dosage for Diabetes: Complete Info
The holistic benefits and wellness from alternative therapies have made it clear that products such as CBD— or Cannabidiol can play a more significant role than initially thought. But what is CBD, and how can it help people battling chronic diseases such as diabetes? Many people associate CBD with marijuana, which is more than enough to…

Type 2 Diabetes: A Catalyst for Heart Disease
Diabetes is now considered an epidemic in the Philippines, with 1 of 14 Filipino adults affected by this disease. A significant portion of that statistic is adult Filipinos with type 2 diabetes. When you have type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not create enough insulin, a hormone that regulates the transport of sugar into your cells,…

New To Diabetes? 3 Steps To Follow For Insulin Injection
Are you new to diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that can be very challenging for people to deal with as it requires a lifestyle change. If you’re someone who has just recently discovered they have ( #t1d ) type 1 or ( #t2d ) type 2 diabetes, it can be quite alarming. Hopefully, this article…

Everything You Need To Know About Insulin Shots
Insulin is a medication that’s used mostly for people with Type 1 diabetes, although those with Type 2 and gestational diabetes may also need it if other methods don’t help them. It’s an important tool to keep you healthy, and is usually delivered into the body via shot. Here’s everything you need to know about…

Long-Term Complications Linked to Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes
Research shows that the incidence of Type 2 diabetes in youth has risen dramatically over the past 20 years, with around 5,000 new cases being diagnosed every year. Adolescent females have a 60% higher prevalence of the disease than males, as do disadvantaged racial and ethnic groups. A new paper by Zeilter and colleagues (2021,…

Treatment of Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries with Physical Therapy
Motor vehicle accidents (cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes etc.) can be dangerous and they can often lead to death. A motor vehicle accident is traumatizing to the body, causing a wide variety of injuries from whiplash to broken bones. Physical therapy helps for the treatment of motor vehicle accident injuries. Example: while riding bikes, it is suggested…