Dawn Phenomenon in Diabetes

Dawn Phenomenon Why Diabetics Blood Sugar Levels Are High in the Morning

If you are recently new to diabetes then you’ve probably been wondering why your blood sugar levels are high when you wake up in the morning. Dawn Phenomenon! One of the main reasons for elevated glucose levels in the AM is from something called the Dawn Phenomenon. This happens when you are sleeping. Usually during sound…


DIABECELL Closest to Diabetes Cure?

DIABECELL is a cell therapy where insulin producing islet cells are taken from the pancreas of a pig. The islets are then encapsulated into an alginate material. The encapsulated porcine cells are then implanted into the abdomen of patient’s with type 1 diabetes. It’s done via an easy laparoscopic procedure. After the procedure, the self-regulating…

Artificial Pancreas

Artificial Pancreas Shows Promise in Type 1 Diabetes

The Artificial Pancreas is a smart idea and does show promise in controlling blood sugars for type 1 diabetics who are currently using insulin pumps. The system uses a modified iPhone connected to a glucose monitor and pumps that deliver the insulin and glucagon. It mimics the natural release of daily insulin and eliminates injections….

Avoiding Hypoglycemia at NYC Marathon

Avoiding Hypoglycemia from Activities

I’ve always been a very active person so avoiding hypoglycemia is always a top priority for me. Since having diabetes I must focus more on my condition when doing activities. This includes exercising, all sports including hockey, baseball, football, basketball or any pickup game I was called on by friends and family. Before I was…