Why it is important to know about diabetes management

Why is it important to know about diabetes management?

Diabetes is getting common, but fewer patients are interested in knowing different ways to manage it. Having a serious medical condition, diabetes comes with various other unpleasant symptoms like facing extreme hunger, tiredness, and heart-related issues. Diabetes is a life-long disease and we have to learn how to live with it, meaning diet, exercise and…

Help Your Diabetic Child Prepare Before they Attend College

Help Your Diabetic Child Prepare Before Attending College

You’ve helped them regulate their diabetes for at least 18 years. Now, they won’t always have you around if they need help. Going to college is already a scary experience, but now your child has to care for themselves alone. In order to prevent serious situations from happening, it’s best to be prepared for the…

How to Use Low-Cost Technology Tips to Manage Diabetes

How to Use Low-Cost Technology Tips to Manage Diabetes

Diabetes cases have been growing over the past decade in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 100 million Americans have diabetes or prediabetes. Complications related to the ailment can be serious, including vision loss, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and the amputation of toes, feet, or legs…

Real-Time CGM Lowers HbA1c

Real-Time CGM Lowers HbA1c, Reduces ED Visits in Insulin-Treated Diabetes

Previously Published on Healio.com – Insulin-treated adults with diabetes selected by clinicians for real-time continuous glucose monitoring saw a 0.4 percentage point reduction in HbA1c and fewer ED visits for hypoglycemia during 1 year of follow-up compared with nonusers. Read on to find out how a real-time CGM lowers HbA1c. “Our real-world study found that in…

Key Components in Your Kids Diabetes Management Plan

Key Components in Your Kids Diabetes Management Plan

A positive diagnosis of diabetes in children can lead to various reactions for both the parents and the child. There can be fear, denial, shock, anger, or a combination of them all. Diabetes in kids—if not properly managed—is potentially life-threatening. It is a condition that makes the body loose the ability to produce insulin or, basically,…