Bionic Pancreas Critical Hurdle

Bionic Pancreas Critical Hurdle, iLet

Bionic Pancreas Critical Hurdle! Beta Bionics recently won $12 million in supplemental funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct a major multicenter, national clinical trials for the iLet™ (bionic pancreas). Developed by Edward Damiano (Beta Bionics) and Firas El-Khatib. They hope to have the device approved for market in about a year….

Artificial Pancreas Approved

Artificial Pancreas Approved by FDA for Diabetes

Medical device maker Medtronic has won Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the MiniMed 670G device. The “hybrid closed loop system” monitors and adjusts glucose and insulin levels in patients with type 1 diabetes. The first artificial pancreas approved of its kind for treating diabetes will hit the market in spring of 2017. The…

Insulin Pump vs Injections

Insulin Pump vs Injections, Protect Diabetics from Heart Disease

I found an interesting article, if diabetics should use an insulin pump vs daily injections for their diabetes therapy to protect against heart disease. Click Here to read the article. If you don’t know by now, I’m a type 1 diabetic currently using insulin pump therapy and it works well for me. I went through all…