6 Types of Teas For Diabetics That Can Help Balance Blood Sugar

6 Types of Teas For Diabetics That Can Help Balance Blood Sugar

It’s critical for diabetics, as well as people at risk for diabetes, to manage their weight and blood sugar levels. Certain teas can be helpful for weight loss as well as promoting balanced blood sugar. Let’s look at six types of tea that may help, Black Tea Black tea is one of the most widely…

7 Simple But Delicious Diabetic Salad Recipes

7 Simple But Delicious Diabetic Salad Recipes

Everyone loves a good salad. But finding delicious options that won’t compromise your health can be a challenge for diabetics. It’s disheartening when the most enticing salads are heavy on ingredients that don’t align with your dietary needs. However, there’s good news: you don’t have to sacrifice taste to meet your dietary requirements. Here’s a collection of…

Everything You Need to Know About Vaping as a Diabetic

Everything You Need to Know About Vaping as a Diabetic

There’s a lot of debate going on about smoking vs. vaping. Those who have diabetes should consider the effects vaping tobacco, or cannabis has on their bodies before deciding to vape. Now that more research is starting to come out on vaping and diabetes, it’s easier to make an informed decision. So let’s discuss the…

Can Delta-8 Lower Diabetes?

Can Delta-8 Lower Diabetes?

While more research is still underway, there is promising data that shows THC may help in lowering blood sugar levels. But can diabetics rely on Delta-8 THC as an effective treatment? Previous studies have had mixed results on how closely marijuana usage is correlated to lowering insulin resistance. Furthermore, it’s understandable that many patients may…

How to Use Black Seed Oil, Supplements to Treat Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetesknow.com

How to Use Black Seed Oil, Supplements to Treat Type 2 Diabetes

Black seed oil is derived from Nigella sativa, a flowering plant. Its small, black seed is sometimes called “kalonji”. This seed and the oil derived from it have been used to treat everything from hypertension to eczema for more than 2000 years in the Middle East and Asia Minor. In recent years, research has shown…

5 Diabetes-Friendly Recipes For Grilling

5 Diabetes-Friendly Recipes For Grilling

No matter a person’s dietary restrictions, there’s always something that they can find to enjoy on the grill! If you’re living with diabetes, you might be wondering what kinds of tasty grilled recipes you can enjoy yourself. Fear not, because we have compiled a list of 5 delicious and satisfying, diabetes-friendly recipes that are perfect…

Keto, Diabetes and Health-Conscious Foods for the Holidays

Keto, Diabetes & Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes

Your mouth is already watering for your favorite pumpkin pie, turkey, dressing, and Christmas ham. But then, you remember that you’re on the keto diet this year. And suddenly, your holiday cheer takes a nosedive. Not so fast, though. Just because Turkey Day and a Kris Kringle feast are around the corner doesn’t mean you have…