Core Circuit Workout for Diabetics

Please note that exercise is important to get your blood flowing each day especially if you have diabetes. Even the smallest amount of exercise helps to wake up and energize the body and mind, however, a core circuit workout does more. It doesn’t need to be complicated or involve a lot of equipment. Any movement during your day is beneficial for weight loss, cardio health, stabilizing blood sugar and increased energy. Therefore,  you may find you have more energy and less need for coffee during the day.

Cardio and Core Circuit Workout for Diabetics

Exercises include:

  • Plank walkouts
  • Burpees
  • Rolling ball to burpee
  • Bicycle crunches

Put on some music you love, turn up the volume, and do each exercise for 30 seconds then move immediately to next exercise for 30 seconds until you complete all of them. Repeat 4-8 circuits. Watch the cardio core circuit workout in the video below.

As always, remember to start slow, focus on your breath, (don’t hold your breath) and have some fun 🙂

Certified professional fitness trainer with knowledge in specific exercise programs, diet and nutrition.