Saturday Morning Workout Outside

Here we are again, it’s HOT outside and the sun is shinning which means an intense Saturday morning workout.

Blood Sugar Check!

First thing on my agenda, check my blood sugar to be sure it’s in the upper range of normal before my workout. I try to have my bg above 130 mg/dl with no active insulin, therefore limiting the possibility of low blood sugar. This works for me, however, other people with type 1 diabetes might require different agendas.

My Saturday Morning Workout

I start with basic stretching and jumping in place to get my blood flowing and heart rate up.

  • 3 sets of 20 push-ups
  • 5 sets of jump rope (30 sec intervals, 30 sec rest between sets)
  • 3 sets of 25 jumping jacks
  • (Optional) Then go to the basketball court and shoot some hoops and find a pick-up game if available.

This kind of Saturday morning workout took me less than an hour, now I feel ready to conquer the weekend. Also remember when exercising outside you’re soaking up the sun and getting a healthy dose of vitamin D. Be sure to use sun screen during your outside workout so you don’t get sun burn. Daily exercise routines are beneficial to your diabetes health!

I’m a type 1 diabetic with diabetes knowledge in t1d and t2d, as well as nutrition and low-carb keto diet information, fitness and exercise programs to help keep you in optimal diabetes health. Take advantage of our diabetic health tools for a healthier lifestyle!