Jump rope is one of the oldest and most convenient fitness modalities available to us. The convenience of jumping rope means you only need the motivation to step outside and start. No driving, no traffic, so it takes less time and its a very good form of exercise with lots of benefits. To lose weight jumping rope only requires to have the rope and a little time and is beneficial for diabetes.
Jumping Rope to Lose Weight
Lose weight jumping rope can be extremely beneficial for cardio health.
Some benefits include improved cardiovascular function, coordination, timing, spacial awareness low impact, helps diabetes, cheap and its fun.
In the video posted here, Ken who’s a type 1 diabetic is doing a running style of jump rope. Personally I find this very challenging, so I opt for a 2 foot jump (landing). The difference between the two styles are coordination and level of impact, just choose what feels best for you. Demonstrated is a 30 second interval: when jumping rope there are endless options for length of interval and length of rest.
Below is a sample workout, feel free to change it to best fit your level.
quick stretch – calves, hamstrings, lower back and quadriceps
3o seconds jump rope
3o seconds rest
repeat 5-10 times
30 seconds jump rope
1 min 30 seconds rest
repeat 5-10 minutes
burning up to 1300 calories per hour
#jumprope #loseweight #jumpingrope
Certified professional fitness trainer with knowledge in specific exercise programs, diet and nutrition.