Domenico Accili - Cells in the Gut Reverse Diabetes

Cells in the Gut Reverse Diabetes?

Professor of medicine at Columbia University Domenico Accili says he can coax endocrine cells in the gut into insulin-producing cells to reverse diabetes. If the cells in the gut reverse diabetes, it would be a game-changer for the chronic disease. Accili found in the gut, proteins called FOXO which plays a dramatic role in the cells that…


Neo Islets Possible T1D Cure

Scientists at SymbioCellTech (SCT) have developed a technology called Neo Islets for possible type 1 diabetes (T1D) cure. It combines Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) with culture-expanded pancreatic islet cells to form three-dimensional cellular clusters. The scientists performed the technique in mice. All treated mice demonstrated normal blood glucose control without the need for anti-rejection drugs or encapsulation devices….