Best Protein Powder For Diabetes?

Best Protein Powder for Diabetes?

Proper nutrition is an important foundation to achieve most health and wellness goals for diabetics and non diabetics. Our knowledge of the 3 basic food groups and the role they play in a healthy diet will help us to decide what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. ย Proper nutrition is important in how we age, our energy levels and overall well being and it is often the first thing I discuss with new clients. In this article, we’ll be discussing the best protein powder for diabetes patients.

Protein is an important component in a healthy diet. Itย will increase energy levels, reduce sugar cravings, promote satiety and aid the body in rebuilding and repairing itself after injury or exercise workouts. The biggest benefit of adding a protein powder supplement into your diet is convenience. Some days, (actually most days) we are busy and it is difficult to get a good quality source of low fat protein. So, let’s learn some facts about the best protein powder for diabetics.

Different Types of Protein Powders

We’ll look at the different types of protein powders available on the market to help you decide the best protein powder for diabetes. It is meant to serve as a guide to help you to decide which is best for you.ย As always, consult your doctor before you start any new supplementation program.


This is a personal preference, and you will need to try different brands or go by a recommendation. The flavors, consistency and taste have improved over the last few year since the market has become so competitive so itโ€™s not a scary as it used to be to experiment. Most companies make chocolate and vanilla supplements but also other flavors like strawberry and banana. If your a diabetic, you’ll always be concerned about the amount of carbs per serving. These supplements are typically low in carbs so choose your favorite flavor for the best protein powder for diabetes.

How is it sweetened?
Artificial sweeteners –
The most widely used sweetener as an alternative to sugar is aspartame.
These are typically substances we want to avoid in our diet. These types of sweeteners are found in many low sugar products on the market. They are very sweet and have little or no calories however are a processed chemical alternative to sugar.

Non-artificial sweetener – 2 types
Sugar Alcohols- or polyols contain fewer calories than sugar. These naturally occur in fruits and vegetables. Arabitol, erythritol and, xylitol are some examples.

Plant Sugars – sugars extracted from plants or fruits. These include brown sugar, sugar cane, stevia, coconut and agave.

I prefer the non artificial sweeteners listed above over the artificial sweeteners due to being from a more natural source.
If you decide on an animal based protein source try to choose one with out the hormone rBGH or rBST. These are artificial bovine growth hormones.

Best Protein Powders for Diabetes?

This is a milk based protein powder. Whey protein is the by-product in process of making cheese. This is an animal protein source and is has a lower lactose count than milk. Contains all the essential amino acids needed in the diet.
Isolate vs Concentrate
Isolate whey protein is lactose free.
Concentrate protein contains lactose.

A plant based protein (vegetarian) that is extracted from the leguminous soybean plant. This plant based protein source contains all essential amino acids.

A plant based protein (vegetarian) extracted from yellow peas.

A plant protein (vegetarian) source extracted sprouted brown rice.

An animal sourced protein from the eggs of chickens


Protein powders are a good way to supplement the diet. The majority of our food intake must be whole, fresh, healthy foods and not scientifically engineered food products. Adding a protein powder supplement to your diet is easy. It can be added to yogurt or to a smoothie to make a nutritious breakfast or lunch. It is also good just mixed with water or milk in a shaker cup with ice. A simple and quick way to increase you protein during a busy day.

So, what’s the best protein powder for diabetes? There are many different types of protein powders available, therefore use this guide to help you decide. How to reverse diabetes?

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