Hypoglycemia Diet: What are the Dangers of Diabetes?

Hypoglycemia Diet: What are the Dangers of Diabetes?

If you have diabetes, you might find that you have to be constantly aware of your blood sugar levels. In order to avoid hypoglycemia, which can be potentially dangerous if left untreated. To learn more about hypoglycemia and how it can impact your health, this guide to the dangers of diabetes will help you understand…

What is Hypoglycemia?

What is Hypoglycemia? Symptoms

People who suffer from high blood glucose levels (diabetes), have to take medications to control blood sugar levels. This can however cause the serious condition – hypoglycemia. What is Hypoglycemia? It’s a condition opposite to diabetes of very low blood glucose level. This condition may be very dangerous and even life-threatening, however, it’s extremely important…

Exercise type 2 diabetes affects and hypo prevention
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The Impact of Exercise on Type 2 Diabetes and Hypo Prevention

Managing your type 2 diabetes is essential if you want to live a full and healthy life. Along with diet, the frequency and kind of physical activity you engage in makes a difference. Your goal is to utilize exercise to tone the body while keeping your glucose levels within a safe range. Read on to…

Hypoglycemia Unawareness Explained

Hypoglycemia Unawareness Explained in Diabetes

Hypoglycemia unawareness is a health condition where an individual with diabetes does not experience the normal very early caution signs of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar level). Normally, when an individual’s blood sugar falls, the body attempts to elevate it by launching hormones, glucagon and epinephrine. Glucagon stimulates the liver to launch stored blood sugar. Epinephrine…

Avoiding Hypoglycemia at NYC Marathon

Avoiding Hypoglycemia from Activities

I’ve always been a very active person so avoiding hypoglycemia is always a top priority for me. Since having diabetes I must focus more on my condition when doing activities. This includes exercising, all sports including hockey, baseball, football, basketball or any pickup game I was called on by friends and family. Before I was…