How To Prepare Delicious Chicken Recipe On a Pellet Smoker?

How To Prepare Delicious Chicken Recipe On a Pellet Smoker?

Smoked chicken is traditionally considered one of the most delicious and popular dishes on the festive table. This article will tell you about the benefits of smoked chicken and three delicious chicken recipe dishes.

When using a pellet smoker, the chicken is processed with smoke, due to which it acquires a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma, and many people love it more than delicious chicken on the grill. As a result, it turns out to be smoked and steamed. Choosing a pellet smoker makes it better to study some pellet smoker reviews to pick the best one for you.

Here are our greatest delicious chicken healthy recipes on a pellet smoker. Keep reading, and enjoy it!

Hot smoked delicious chicken with pepper

For one chicken, you need to use salt (20 grams per 1 kg of chicken) and black pepper. You can also add a mix of different peppers or spices.


  • chicken
  • salt
  • pepper
  • selection of spices (optional)

First, the chicken must be thoroughly washed and dried a little (if possible, it is better to use fresh meat).

Then it is thoroughly rubbed with a mix of salt and pepper, inside and out. For better absorption of seasonings, leave it in a cool place for several hours or overnight.

After the specified time, remove the chicken and place it on grates for 1.5-2 hours to dry excess liquid.

Then load it into a pellet smoker and cook over high heat for 30-50 minutes. Your delicious chicken is ready!

Hot smoked chicken with garlic

The main stage of cooking, according to this recipe, is marinating delicious chicken.


  • chicken
  • Bay leaf
  • salt
  • allspice peas
  • garlic
  • sugar
  • vinegar

Add salt to the warm water (in the proportion of a tablespoon to two liters). After dissolving the salt, add bay leaf, pepper, and garlic.

To enhance the taste, add two teaspoons of sugar (you can use honey instead of sugar) and a teaspoon of vinegar. The pre-washed chicken is placed in a deep container with the marinade, so it is covered with the liquid.ย 

After a day of pickling, remove chicken from the liquid and ventilate for 2-3 hours, hanging by a hook or laying on a wire rack. Smoking takes 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the chicken.

Hot smoked chicken with spices


  • chicken
  • salt
  • onion
  • garlic
  • cardamom
  • coriander
  • bay leaf
  • ground black pepper

First, you need to dissolve salt in warm water at the rate of 1 spoonful of salt per chicken.

Then add chopped onion, garlic (2-3 chopped cloves or 2-3 teaspoons of ground garlic), five chopped coriander seeds, and 3-4 cardamom seeds. After that, put three bay leaves and black pepper. Boil this mix for three minutes, then cool it completely.

Place chicken in the brine and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 days (depending on the size) for better absorption of the spices.

After the indicated time, take your chicken out of the brine and dry for 2-3 hours. Place it on the pellet smoker and cook for 40-50 minutes at medium heat.ย 

Conclusion: Do not hesitate to try a delicious chicken on a pellet smoker. You will love the taste and aroma, while preparation is simple and quick. Tell us, what recipe of delicious chicken do you like most? Share your experience in the comments below, then check out more chicken recipes which are beneficial to people with diabetes.

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