I'm a type 1 diabetic with diabetes knowledge in t1d and t2d, as well as nutrition and low-carb keto diet information, fitness and exercise programs to help keep you in optimal diabetes health. Take advantage of our diabetic health tools for a healthier lifestyle!
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Understanding The Differences Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes in any form is a condition involving the inability of the body to efficiently carry glucose to the body’s cells and convert it into energy. The key to this issue has to do with the amount of insulin the pancreas produces. However, without sufficient insulin, glucose collects in the bloodstream and is capable of…

The Surprising Link Between Sleep Apnoea and Diabetes
According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 30 million Americans are currently living with diabetes. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the US—occupying the 7th position. Diabetes is of different types. One category of the condition is an auto-immune response of the body to pancreatic cells. These cells are responsible…

Number 1 Killer in Mexico is Diabetes
Diabetes is the number 1 killer in Mexico according to the World Health Organization and they also say the health issue will get worse in the coming decades. In the USA, diabetes is the 6th leading cause of death. There’s a lot of research going on at the moment to cure diabetes. Hopefully we’ll see…

What Is MODY and Is There A Cure?
MODY is a form of diabetes but most people find it very confusing because it shares some common characteristics from both types. Like type one that mainly affects young people, MODY is commonly found in youngsters. However, MODY reduces the production of insulin. It acts like type 2 diabetes and is caused by the genetic…

Diabetes Symptoms in Type 1 and Type 2
Diabetes Symptoms – Diabetes, also regarded as diabetes mellitus, may generally be classified as a class of ailments wherein an individual has high blood glucose levels. This could be either because insulin production in one’s body is not sufficient, or the body fails to respond to the insulin necessarily. In this article, we’ll go over type…

Diabetes Tips For Dealing With Everyday Life
Diabetes has different types, causes, and treatments. Blood sugar rises when we eat certain things: carbohydrates, protein, fat. Insulin lowers blood sugar. Diabetes means the body doesn’t use insulin the way it should. Diabetes doesn’t go away just like that because diabetes is a chronic disease. When detected and treated in good time, damage can,…