About Diabetes Know

Welcome to Diabetes In The Know!

I’d like to welcome everyone to my website, diabetesknow.com (Diabetes in the Know) or Diabetes Knowledge. My name is Kenny and I’m a type 1 diabetic for over 20 years now. I use a Paradigm 523 insulin pump for my diabetic treatment. I’ve been very happy with my pump therapy since I started using it about 10 years ago. Actually when switching from syringes to the pump it was one of the best moves in my life. Because of the freedom it gives you and the ability to eat almost anything you want.

About Diabetes Know

My goal in life is to be cured from diabetes but since there is no cure right now I thought I’d do the next best thing and help people who are newly diagnosed or people that don’t know about how to manage their diabetes by sharing my personal diabetic experiences. I’ll also be posting the latest news on diabetes research and treatments as well as islet xenotransplantation from adult and neonatal pigs.

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