T2D Symptoms, Thirst from Type 2 Diabetes

Common Signs and Symptoms You Might Have Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a serious chronic condition that has the potential to shorten your life span. One of the more concerning aspects of this condition is that it may or may not exhibit any outward t2d symptoms. In fact, the CDC estimates that one out of every four people with some form of diabetes donโ€™t know they have the condition. This can be due to either not exhibiting symptoms or not being aware of the signs that something is wrong.

One of the best ways to protect yourself is to become more aware of the most common signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. While each of these can be associated with other health issues, the presence of any one of them makes paying a visit to your doctor worth the time.

Unexplained Fatigue

Everyone feels tired from time to time. With type 2 diabetes, you may notice that your energy level is low, even after you slept well the night before. Thereโ€™s no explanation for the increased fatigue since youโ€™ve not been busier than usual or made any significant changes in your lifestyle. If the fatigue lingers, it could be because your blood glucose levels are remaining high.

An Uptick in Thirst

Does it seem as if you want something to drink more often than usual? A change in thirst is one of the more common T2D symptoms, and one that tends to get overlooked. When you find yourself finishing with beverages and craving more within minutes, that could indicate something is wrong.

It helps to know that your body may be attempting to lower glucose levels by increasing the intake of fluids and flushing the excess out of the system. Donโ€™t assume that youโ€™re drinking more because you enjoy whatever you normally keep on hand. Let your doctor know and undergo some tests. It wonโ€™t take long to determine if your glucose A1C levels are too high.

Vision That Blurs Slightly

Have you noticed a slight change in the quality of your vision? Perhaps things seem slightly out of focus when youโ€™re reading. Maybe your peripheral vision seems slightly blurry. It could have to do with a developing eye condition, or it could be a warning sign of type 2 diabetes.

A quick eye exam coupled with some blood tests will help isolate the origin of the change in visual acuity. If it is type 2 diabetes, your doctor can refer you to classes that help with diet, encourage more exercise, and possibly begin you on low doses of medication.

Youโ€™re Hungry More Often

A healthy appetite is one thing; the constant urge to snack because youโ€™re hungry and not out of boredom is something else. If youโ€™ve never been one to feel hungry most of the day, this is a sure indication that something is up. Among various conditions, type 2 diabetes is a strong possibility.

If tests confirm that you have this condition, treatment will help return your appetite to normal. Thatโ€™s a good thing, since a proper diet will be one of the most effective ways to control your glucose levels.

Yet You Start Losing Weight for No Apparent Reason

In spite of your appetite, the weight is coming off. Itโ€™s not because youโ€™re trying to lose weight through exercise or diet. The pounds seem to go away every week without any effort on your part. That may seem great at first, but too much weight loss is something to be concerned about.

As one of the type 2 diabetes, t2d symptoms that sometimes gets overlooked, treat this unexplained loss of weight seriously. Have a complete physical, including a full round of blood work. If diabetes is the reason, treatment will make it possible to get and keep your weight within a healthy range.

If something seems wrong, donโ€™t brush it aside. Schedule an appointment with your doctor and find out whatโ€™s happening. If you do have type 2 diabetes, learn how you can control the condition and continue to enjoy your life. With the right approach, you could easily live for decades with relatively few complications.

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