Benefits of Butter Coffee
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Benefits of Butter Coffee for Diabetes

My 2018 New Years resolution is doing something good for myself each day. Recently I’ve discovered the health benefits of butter coffee for people with diabetes. Referred to as keto coffee and bulletproof coffee as well. I also added a simple butter coffee recipe in this article.

My resolution accomplishes 3 things:

1. forces a slower morning routine and keeps me from running out of the house like a wild animal
2. increase healthy fats in my daily diet
3. improve brain health resulting in improved overall productivity.

Benefits of Butter Coffee for Diabetes

Everyone, including diabetes patients can benefit from healthy fats and butter coffee in their diet. Fats improve long term health, metabolize fat soluble vitamins, suppresses appetite and tastes good!! A sharp mind and increased productivity makes us feel great and gives us motivation to make good healthy decisions.
Benefits of Butter Coffee

Butter Coffee Recipe

  • Brew 12-16 oz coffee
  • Add 1 TBLS grass fed butter (unsalted)
  • Add 1 TBLS MCT oil
  • Blend in a blender or use a milk frother.

You can find MCT oil at any health store. Add cinnamon or honey to your cup of keto coffee for flavor but stay away from sugar.ย Butter coffee tastes just like coffee with cream!!

Benefits of Grass fed butter

Butter made from cows that are fed a grass based diet vs corn based. The fat from the cow has a better fatty acid profile.ย Including CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) a polyunsaturated fatty acid that must be consumed in the diet. It is a powerful fighter of cancer, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Benefits of MCT- MCT (medium chain triglycerides) has proven to improve cognitive function. MCT oil goes directly to the liver and is processed as energy. Coconut oil is high in MCTโ€™S.

The benefits of butter coffee will increase energy, stabilize blood sugar, improve brain function and get some healthy fats in your diet!!

Disclaimer: always check with your doctor before any major changes in diet and exercise programs. Comment below if you tried the butter coffee!!

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  1. I’ve only been doing the bulletproof coffee with keto 4 days and my sugars have improved drastically.
    A usual after dinner 275 reading is now 145 I’m honestly amazed and don’t know why I didn’t start this sooner.

  2. I am going to try Alicafe coffee and Lupak unsalted butter and virgin coconut oil. Will let you guys the results. I am suffering from diabetes.

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