How to Manage Diabetes with Exercise and Control your Blood Sugar
Diabetes is currently the leading cause of death in the US and experts estimated that over 500 million people would…
Core Circuit Workout for Diabetics
Please note that exercise is important to get your blood flowing each day especially if you have diabetes. Even the…
Saturday Morning Workout Outside
Here we are again, it’s HOT outside and the sun is shinning which means an intense Saturday morning workout. Blood…
Bihormonal iLet Home Trial Bionic Pancreas for T1D
Beta Bionics announced a pivotal bihormonal iLet home trial using both dasiglucagon and insulin in the aforementioned bionic pancreas. The iLet (dual-hormone pump…
Keto Diet for Diabetics Lowers Blood Sugar
Keto Diet for Diabetics Introduction Since 1924, Ketogenic diets have been in use in pediatrics as a treatment and cure…
Type 1 Diabetes Exercise Benefits
Looking into type 1 diabetes exercise options and the benefits to stabilize blood sugar levels in diabetics. Insulin and sleep…
Paleo Diet for Diabetics – Blood Sugar Management
Paleo Diet for Diabetics Dieting as a diabetic is very important as food consumed has a direct linked effect on…
Type 2 Diabetes Treatments, Management, Cure?
Type 2 diabetes or t2d, is a medical condition due to metabolic disorder in which the body does’t use insulin…
MiniMed 670G is Inaccurate
For the past 10 months I’ve been using the 670G, touted as the first closed loop insulin pump system by…
Diabetes Symptoms in Type 1 and Type 2
Diabetes Symptoms – Diabetes, also regarded as diabetes mellitus, may generally be classified as a class of ailments wherein an individual…